A hybrid communications solution delivers 远程工作 从任何地方.

  • 国家:澳大利亚
  • 火狐体育手机:医疗
  • Solution: 数字时代通信, Rainbow, 统一通信

WEHI is where the world’s brightest minds collaborate and innovate to make life-changing discoveries that help people live longer healthier lives. WEHI’s medical researchers have been serving the community for more than 100 years, making transformative discoveries in cancer, 传染病和免疫疾病, developmental disorders and healthy ageing.

When it comes to research and innovation, it’s not just about getting the smartest people in the room together. To get to the best outcomes for healthier living or a smarter, 更高效的工作环境, 你需要开放的交流, 伙伴关系与信任. ALE is a vendor with great solutions, supported by a network of trusted Partners. We understand that innovation implies testing, proof of concept and where needed, redesign. ALE is always up for the journey and we value their support in creating a better, 更具协作性的ICT工作空间.
Michael Carolan, WEHI的首席信息官




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